Backyard Feeder

Backyard Feeder
photo taken through porch screen

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Home Organization for Real People

Before the turn of the century I was working as a family daycare provider and teaching home organization techniques online. I had a book mostly written but the competition was steep and self-publishing was still expensive and limited. Today I have decided that I'm going to revisit the things I was doing then and add in the things I have learned since then. Welcome to that journey.

I am posting weekly sessions as pages until I get myself, and anyone who joins me, organized enough to be comfortable without taking a lot of time or money to do it. This is not a class where you'll learn to keep complicated notebooks with cross references and file folders. This is not a class where you'll learn to throw away everything that doesn't give you joy. It's not even a class where you'll be given a one-size-fits-all system. I won't tell you to run out and buy a lot of tools or containers. This is a real way that I've been working out slowly in fits and starts for decades. There will be tips and ideas for creating your own system and using what you have to improve your life until you feel safe and comfortable in your home.

When I finish the basic system, I'll put everything together into a book that you'll be able to buy at Amazon and other bookstores online in paperback or eBook format, but I'm planning to leave the lessons available here for as long as Blogger will allow.

 Whatever Works Session 1

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